Educating and advocating to eliminate or restrict the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in our communities, and promote the electrification of all landscape equipment and the adoption of sustainable lawn-care practices.
Gas – powered leaf blowers pollute our air, harm their operators, disrupt habitats, and damages our hearing.
Yet many landscape companies continue to use gas-powered leaf blowers with crude and inefficient two-stroke engines while the rest of the world is increasingly moving away from this obsolete technology. Users often say they prefer gas-powered blowers because they are cheap and powerful. But there are equally good alternatives, including mulching, raking, and using electric and battery-powered leaf blowers. Some landscape companies have chosen these alternatives and shown that you can stay in business and make a profit without gas-powered blowers. In communities that have enacted bans, like the District of Columbia, lawns and sidewalks are still tended and lawn care companies find employment. We can do better.
Please refer to the How You Can Help page for actions you can take to address this problem.